As and avid feeder of the birds in my garden in Wales I have tried to get the same results from putting out food in the garden here in France. I have to say the results have been disappointing. I have been trying for about three years. Fatballs are popular with local Great Tits and Blue Tits in winter. Once a Blackcap also fed with them. Mixed seed attracts House Sparrows, Chaffinches and the occasional Greenfinch. Wintering Robins also hang around with opportunistic Collared Doves but that is it.
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Goldfinches on niger seed in UK |
This year I have introduced a feeder containing niger seed. There are hordes of Goldfinches visiting the garden but since the Spring nothing whatsoever has visited that feeder. A friend Janet tells me she has had the same negative results. I have to ask why when this species is so regular on this food in the UK does it ignore it in France? Something to ponder.
Gale force winds here today. I noted 2 Pied Flycatchers and a stunning Hobby overhead.
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